Thursday, May 7, 2009

A stupid post!!!!

My system has not yet adjusted to the changes.
I am not talking here about any time changes.
There are no jetlags and time differences.
Its just the routine changes!!!
No more Office and early morning(at 8am!!!!) trysts to get up from the bed, no more hurrying for the breakfast at canteen and no more e-newspapers.
Now, I wake up aaraam se at 10-10.30,get myself a cup of steaming tea and delicious breakfast(thanks to mom and others at home!!!) and start devouring the news paper.
I am no longer glued to the comp monitor, instead to the TV screens. ;-)))

well, Guys,
this is all just an observation of life through that rosy glasses everyone advices.
Honestly,I am bored and will continue to be so until I decide what next to do.
Well, that's the problem!!!
I still don't know what I should be doing or where I should be going.
Let's see... ;-))

1 comment:

shahnaaz said...

...ha......ha.......kya karu kaise karu........yahi to problem hai...........listen to ur heart........