Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Engineer Syndrome

If I say the last few days have been hectic, it would just be an understatement.
4 project presentations in 2 days is the synopsis of the situation.

And Oh, My! did I enjoy it!!! To the hilt!

I attribute it to the engineer in me.
Why the Engineer? Such is the conditioning of an engineering student and that is what gave me that High.

The last minute ppt preparation, report perusal, the 11 th hour project hunt (and I mean quite literally! After almost 2 hours of feasibility study on a project, we decided to change it at 11p.m the day before the presentation) I enjoyed every bit of them.

This is what I call the Engineer- Syndrome, the 11th hour adrenaline rush!
We engineers are known for quite a number of syndromes, and I found I could add this to the list as well. We do things Just In Time and somehow things work and most of the time they work the best! Minimum effort, maximum result, now, that is what I call efficiency!
(May be others do it the same way too, but I found all engineering graduates inevitably belong to this category subjected to a 5% error on my hypothesis)

I remember getting a forward message during my Engineering days(and I find it is being circulated even now!).

You give a 1000 pages book to a lawyer and ask him how many days he would take to finish reading it and he would say may be XX days, You ask the same to a doctor and he would say YY days, You ask the same to an engineer and he would ask, "when is the exam?"