Friday, July 18, 2008

An evening by your side...........

The blazing sun sank over a hazy horizon.It was a beautiful sunset.
They sat there enjoying the beauty of the moment,enjoying each other's presence.

She was happy,very happy.This was a dream come true.Destiny or fate or the God whom she called upon every day had bought him next to her today.
She dared not look at him.She was apprehensive of facing her only dream. She was apprehensive of looking at the face that she had seen only with her heart all these years.

Silence..that vast ocean that had engulfed their lives prevailed.
Silence could speak and they had always spoken in silence.
The same silence with which they had acknowledged their feelings,the same silence with which she went away from his life, the same silence with which he watched her leave,unable to hold her back.

She wanted to hold his hands,to lock her fingers in his.But she dared not.What if that offended him?What if he got up and left?

He took her hands in his.Her heart skipped a beat.She looked into his eyes.She saw her face in them.
"Why did you leave me?"His eyes seemed to ask.

Her eyes ,so beautiful, so pretty.They still had that spark.They could still captivate him.If only time would freeze!He wished.
But even now, he knew , he couldn't hold her back.

"A moment in time is all between you and me
A moment in time I will not let go"

He told in silence.

She got up to leave, praying he would call her back.
She walked away without looking back at him even once.Tears rolled down her cheeks.Why aren't the stars still not shining upon her.

He looked at the empty seat beside him,at the void in his life.He knew he couldn't survive it again..

"Ria,please don't leave me again".The silence broke.
The night sky sparkled with a million stars...


shahnaaz said...


Farz said...

It is a maiden attempt!!!

Abhinav Viswambharan said...

kambakth ishq...hasaaye bhi...rulaye bhi...

a beautiful post, one which many can relate to in life... :)

jiYa said...

Is this ur maiden attempt?? Unbelievable! :)
Beautiful & touching...

Farz said...

@abhi &jiya:

raheem said...