Friday, April 24, 2009

Confessions Of a Shopaholic

Hey Guys, this is not one of those film reviews.

This is a very genuine and hearfelt confession from a true shopaholic . And I am sure many of you will definitely be able to relate to it. ;-)

I just love shopping.

Infact I love shopping anything and everything.Be it clothes/accessories,books or even groceries. I love shopping things I need and those which i don't.

I love shopping for myself and/or for others.

I just love roaming about supermarkets or malls with a lot of shopping bags and/or baskets ;-).

And window shopping is not a bad idea too.Many a times it is window shopping which has initiated deep holes in my purse ;-(

Let me attempt a logical classification of this entertainment

There could basically be 3 types of shopping.(If you identify more please let me know as i would like to attempt those too)

Type 1: Need-triggered shopping

This is the shopping we all do when we really have to buy something.There is basically a clear idea of what actually has to be bought.

Technically speaking, the specifications are clear ;-)

Normally in such cases I go in and out of many shops, compare stuffs and then finally make a decision.Afterall, I need to buy the best!!!!Though it's another thing that after reaching home I feel something else was better ;-(

(and almost often i go back to the first shopI had visited and buy the first piece I had chosen ;-))
If you were to accompany me in any one of these sessions you would have definitely been bugged.Yes, this is definitely a warning ;-)

Type 2: Time killing Shopping

Here the intention is only spending time.This is something which can be attempted on boring weekends and even on weekdays after the core working hours ;-)

There ,naturally ,would not be any shopping list,but only shopping bags !

Type 3: mood-lifter/stress buster Shopping

Shopping is what I prefer doing when I feel low.And this is the worst kind of the lot, because I end up buying only useless things and obviously I have to go back to the shops when i feel better to exchange them ;-)

Simply going through the shops and malls makes me a lot happy.
And it is not necessary that I buy something in these excursions. Seeing and admiring stuff would also suffice.

Well guys, Happy shopping!!!!! ;-)

1 comment:

jiYa said...


Number 4: Companion shopping.. You start off accompanying your friends for shopping and end up making them carry the stuff you have ended up buying.. !! ;D