Changes are inevitable. But this man taught me how to manage them by simply being the change himself. Good teachers are what I have always been blessed with and it has always hurt me to bid them farewell. (Ironically, I was always the chosen one to deliver the farewell speech. This time too, it was me, though I decided to opt out. However positively we package it, farewells are always agonizing.)
Dear Sir, this is an excerpt from the message I had prepared to be delivered on your farewell, but could not.
It is an honour for us to be your students. Thank you for being our inspiration. Thank you for teaching us how to think.
You taught us how to face the world, how to turn our backs against problems and say ‘SBW’, how to have a drink and relax while others are fretting about you, how to respect others and how to understand people in a larger way, how to invest people in the right tasks, how to grow younger every minute, how BLOODY to manage life!
I hope we could put into practice even half of what we learnt from you.
We are still in awe of your personality and sir, you simply ROCK!
The only reason I wouldn’t have written this would have been my laziness. This post is a celebration of the victory of my inspiration over my laziness!